Above: Original image featured on The Metalist.net via 
by Kate “One Take Kate” Taylor

On a fresh spring night, on the eve of daylight savings, some very lucky people witnessed the sheer power of NZ’s own melodic metal masters – Heavy Metal Ninjas.

First up for the evening was iSatellite coming up from Wellington to belt out their style of eclectic metal featuring some big fun riffs in the style of nu-metal heroes Soulfly, with smatterings of Korn and Fear Factory feels; at least to my ear anyway. iSatellite came with a good show, receiving a positive response from the early crowd gathering.
In between sets, I found I was actually really impressed with The Kings Arms; it’s had a bit of a refresh with fresh paint, new furniture, awesome new gardens and outdoor area, plus a sweet as little caravan that can be hired out for people to use; and that I should imagine will crank in our imminent Summer. As well as the genius move of all genius moves…you can order anything you want from Hell Pizza at the bar from a menu they have on hand, pay the good bar people for your snack, then super quick – you’ve got pizza and wedges to nom on in between bands. Yus. Next up; Mothra delivered a really beautiful and carefully thought out performance of outstanding songs and captivating visuals, that are most definitely polished and professional; I definitely felt some Isis, Tool or Kylesa kind of vibes from their performance so well worth checking out in a headlining gig I think! I knew I was going to enjoy HMN, but I reckon the best part of a show, is getting to see a band that’s ‘new – to-you’, that suddenly becomes a band you really like.
After a very short break, the Ninjas came to abduct us and take us on a cosmic, audio journey. Cutting imposing figures; the gents of HMN got down to business, with the playing and audience response as equally as electric as each other; and as I peer through the undulating crowd I see that Richie Allan is wearing finger rigs that have little LED’s encircling each knuckle! So we can be sure to see every amazing, impossible move he makes. After the first-song-initial-face-melt, Allan darts off to come back with…a Go Pro strapped at THE perfect angle to document the incredible skill he’s putting on display. So cool. Look out for that footage soon, I guess! Putting on their last performance in NZ before they played Cologne, Germany for the Euroblast Festival; HMN punched through the audiences’ cochlea’s with a tank of a show, studded with emotional swells and rolling precision mechanized grooves. HMN stunned, giving samples of their newest album ‘Interstellar Abduction’, leaving the sweaty throng of audience…dazed, enraptured and wanting more!

Richie Allan – Heavy Metal Ninjas

Original images via: Delirium Vfx and (1) by Mr Leon Taylor

2 Replies to “Heavy Metal Ninjas – Kings Arms, September 27, 2014.

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