By Kate “One Take Kate” Taylor.

OTK: Kate Taylor and the main man, Dre Taylor…he’s not into Paparazzi in this shot.
I’m Kate Taylor and this is One Take Kate. Or as it will come to roll off the keyboard over time as, OTK. One Take Kate, reviewing and editorialising life as it happens. I love media, film, music, pop culture, social commentary – essentially, life! And it’s time that I take the reigns and add my two cents to the world of the Innernets. To be honest…I need to start owning how unique, educated and valuable my opinion is. Or at least this is what my friends, family and beloved Husbandito tell me. 
The Taylors
Husbandito of course is my talented and superb Husband, High School Sweetheart and Best Friend fo life – Mr Leon Taylor. I mention him now cause I’m sure you’ll be hearing about him a bit here and there in OTK, so he needs an introduction as well.Why One Take Kate? I try to pride myself on getting things right the first time, or as near to perfect as possible on the first attempt. High standards, no?


Also, I enjoyed a conversation I had earlier this year, when someone that I was about to work with described themselves as “a one take kinda guy…” – I loved that. At once I thought it was such a cocky and bold thing to say and on the other hand thought, yeah why the hell not? Why not own the things you’re good at? Life’s too short to be humble…sometimes. I’m fortunate to call some of the most wonderful, skilled, good-hearted and positively natured people my friends and family; and I look forward to delighting them on this blog, with what I think about stuff. Especially the ones who miss me, live far away and can’t just come round to kick it with Husbandito and me, some flicks and veggie noms.


Why OTK? That’s one part obvious and one part craftiness that I’ve devised so my blog name will personally crack me up for many years from now; and because I love NBA that much that I’ve formulated a blog name that is as close to the name of one of my favourite teams and players as possible – that being Kevin Durant and the Oklahoma City Thunder, nicknamed OKD and OKC respectively. So, I’m OTK. Cause Kate Cold Said so.
Honestly, this is what it’s going to be like people, loads of pop culture in-jokes. Stuff I like. Stuff I don’t like. Stuff you like that I’m trying to understand why you like it. Stuff other people in other nations and cultures like. Film and DVD reviews. Music Reviews. PS3 Game reviews. Video Clip Reviews. Live Reviews. Editorials. Interviews. Academic Articles. NBA social commentary. Restaurant reviews. Product Reviews. All that good stuff, and I’d be honoured if you’ll come along with me for the ride.
Alter Ego: I’m definitely part Hermione, part Leslie Knope, part Rigby, part Monica Geller-Bing, part Ilana and part Horror film Final Girl.


One Take Kate


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