LOVED. EVERY. FRAME. OK, that three word review of Star Wars: The Last Jedi while true and manages to capture my immense satisfaction with this addition to the Star Wars story-verse; probably isn’t quite long enough a review to warrant posting so let me give you a bit more of an overview.

Carrie Fisher stars as General Leia Organa in Star Wars The Last Jedi. Image via BGR.com | onetakekate.com
Carrie Fisher stars as General Leia Organa in Star Wars The Last Jedi. Image via BGR.com

From the opening minutes Star Wars: The Last Jedi delivers relentless, exciting action sequences; epic shots of the spacecrafts, sweeping natural vistas and flawless ECU’s of our heroes as they battle (…especially in 3D IMAX like I witnessed it in). Is The Force one of your favourite aspects of the Star Wars films? If you said

Obviously Kate, The Force is awesome, only a bonehead wouldn’t want to have The Force in their possession

– then you’ll be pleased to hear that The Force, its meaning and its methodology, are a big focus in The Last Jedi; as we gallop through this eighth film in the series with the many main characters seamlessly intertwining to achieve their own and assist in each others #goals. I was absolutely transfixed by The Last Jedi and appreciated the faithfulness and love of the previous Star Wars films that are respectfully worked into the new horizons of these characters by writer and director Rian Johnson; and with John Williams returning to lavish this iconic film score on us, it’s just breathtaking viewing.

If there’s one thing I do know; it’s that I want to see Star Wars: The Last Jedi immediately and if any of my friends are heading along to see it, let me know cause I’ll tag along with you again and again! Some rapid fire thoughts for you: the new characters we meet are great, particularly Rose Tico (Kelly Marie Tran), I felt invested in Rose’s journey; I’m pleased with the progress of Rey’s (Daisy Ridley) unique and special character and I’m watching the developing personalities of Finn (John Boyega) and Poe (Oscar Isaac) with interest. On the whole, I appreciated the equal weighing as all characters get to have their moment in the spotlight.

Kelly Marie Tran star as Rose Tico in Star Wars The Last Jedi. Image via News-Falls.com | onetakekate.com
Kelly Marie Tran stars as Rose Tico in Star Wars The Last Jedi. Image via News-Falls.com

I felt the pacing in Star Wars: The Last Jedi was exceptional; at times I felt like I’d been in cinema for 4-5 hours (but in such a good way!); then it felt as though I’d only been watching for 20mins – that’s how engrossed I was. The Last Jedi has lots of changing alliances and shifting power structures, with the old meeting the new with great arcs and motives; which consistently keep us guessing. There’s heavy casualties too, so be prepared to feel some emotions about your preferred side, The First Order or The Resistance (Rebel Scum for life!). It’s likely this is the final time we’ll see Carrie Fisher as our Princess and her performance in The Last Jedi is vital, memorable and revealing.

Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker and Carrie Fisher as General Leia Organa in Star Wars The Last Jedi. Image via The Nerdist | onetakekate.com
Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker and Carrie Fisher as General Leia Organa in Star Wars The Last Jedi. Image via The Nerdist

There’s no post credit scene so if you need to race off at the end of the movie, don’t worry you won’t miss anything; but if you do stick around, you’ll see that The Last Jedi was filmed at UK’s Pinewood Studios, the home of the original Star Wars film productions; and also in Ireland, Croatia, Iceland and Bolivia so we’re getting incredible real locations then coupling that with the intensely realistic visual effects and lifelike mo-cap CG on characters like Supreme Leader Snoake (Andy Serkis) or Maz Kanata (Lupita Nyong’o). Another eagle eyed look at the credits revealed the billing of Frank Oz, whom Star Wars fans will understand exactly what this means…and trust me, it’s great.

Oscar Isaac as Poe Dameron in action with BB-8 in Star Wars The Last Jedi. Image via The LA Times | onetakekate.com
Oscar Isaac as Poe Dameron in action with BB-8 in Star Wars The Last Jedi. Image via The LA Times

I’ve got no hesitation in slapping an instant 11 out of 10 on Star Wars: The Last Jedi. I left the cinema invigorated, with a renewed love for the Star Wars franchise and all it’s facets; with a desire to watch it immediately again to catch all of the wonderful that’s crammed into it; and with an excited anticipation for the next chapter.

What are your expectations and predictions for Star Wars: The Last Jedi? Tell me in the comments

Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker in Star Wars The Last Jedi. Image via Polygon.com | onetakekate.com
Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker in Star Wars The Last Jedi. Image via Polygon.com

One Take Kate

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