Here’s my first attempt delving into the world of beauty blogging! As always though, this is going to have that unique OTK view on things and will appeal to the spirits out there, who just like to do things a little differently, even if it means people may think them…a little strange.

Google Antipodean Beauties and if you see this logo – then you’re on the right track!
There’s a GREAT group on Facebook called Antipodean Beauties which encourages the wonderful, unique and real women and men of Australia and New Zealand to get involved in a fun, inclusive rather than competitive environment where ladies can try out and play with new make up concept ideas as organised by a weekly challenge theme and then; upload their images and contributions to the theme of the make up styling challenge for that week. It’s a great way for bloggers to have some ready content every week and also, it’s just bloody fun! I’ve been wanting to get involved with Antipodean Beauties for a long time but, I’ve been flat out building the little OTK empire, so for now I’m just getting wedged into my new time management scheme and then I’ll be rocking Antipodean Beauties posts on the regular!

For now, here’s a couple of pics at my first go of one of the Antipodean Beauties challenges; it’s one that people who know and love me know I could never let the chance pass by to be a part of…the theme was:

This is me – Horror Hardcore Cinephile Nerd through and through.


I am nerd. Hear me roar. I’ve been a nerd my entire life. Big book reader. Big, big pointless trivia fan. Board game destroyer. Film geek Cinephile plus plus. 

So the Antipodean Beauties ‘Nerdy’ Make Up styling challenge was one I definitely wanted to be part of. I’ve completely missed the boat on…getting into the challenge week ‘linky’ blog group, but that’s OK…I’ll be running up that hill very, very shortly. In the meantime – here they are, the pics of me with my ‘Nerdy’ make up styling. I’ve gone for a very neutral and natural make up look. As this is my usual go-to- make up look, and I’m a nerd so, yeah I think this works! This particular day I was off to work in a video game warehouse (I’m not even kidding!) for the day, so I needed to just feel comfy and like the nerd I am. 

I’m also wearing my Texas Chainsaw Massacre tee; I’m a very big horror film fan and the ‘Texas’ story-universe is one I do love and hope to contribute to one day in the form of my own ‘Texas’ film or book/graphic novel. I’m also holding my little Leatherface toys, cause part of being a nerd, or geek as Simon Pegg said is:

“Being a geek is all about being honest about what you enjoy and not being afraid to demonstrate that affection. It means never having to play it cool about how much you like something. It’s basically a license to proudly emote on a somewhat childish level rather than behave like a supposed adult. Being a geek is extremely liberating.” 
― Simon Pegg.

Simon says ‘Geek’, I say ‘Nerd’ – it’s all love.
I’m also wearing a headscarf in the style of ‘Rosie the Riveter’ – you might know her here:

‘Rosie the Riveter’ represents a lot in my decision to include her in this ‘Nerdy’ post. She’s a symbol of liberation and war-time gender solidarity but she’s also, somewhat of an icon to the women of the Punk/Hardcore scene. I think some females in that particular music scene, myself included, appreciate the guts it takes to hang it with the big boys; and to be totally allowed to like loud music, shout things you mean into a mic and generally do whatever the hell you want. Be your own kind of ladylike.

Be your own kind of ladylike! Me doing a ‘Rosie the Riveter’ pose after the first swim of Summer 2013/2014, with Husbandito at Takapuna Beach, Auckland N.Z.
Shout outs to Alice – this is a go to pose for her 😉

So I like ‘Rosie’ cause she means hardcore music, she means retro pin-up styling, she means history, she means being and doing whatever you like and having beauty come from that. That’s how I appropriate her image anyway. It was fun to have a go at this, and I look forward to jumping into the next one. Thanks Antipodean Beauties – an amazing idea!

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