Hey there OTK fam! How’s your summer going so far? I’m sure you’re most likely back to work, back to school or perhaps back to Uni later in February? Either way oh man how hot has it been? I’ve had a great Christmas, New Year’s and summer break; I’ve really enjoyed getting back to work in my new-sh role at Yellow NZ as Social/Digital Copywriter and Strategist. Over the break I had lots of time to reflect and appreciate my achievements so far and really think about where I wanna head with One Take Kate now that I also have a career in creation on lock. I want One Take Kate to have more, more, more movies and concerts for you; also, a great OTK supporter mentioned more TV show recommendations would be cool in 2019 too, so I’ll be bringing you more of those. What I really would like to add to OTK is more regular, open posting about me and what I’m up to – much more of a scrapbook of all the cool stuff I get to do; cause while this next statement probably isn’t doing anything for my modesty rating – I DO get to do a lot of cool stuff and I want to share all of it with you. Way freer. Not worrying about if the post is perfect…just funnel all the stuff I check out, go to, watch and listen to, delivered directly to you, so can learn about it too. So, here’s my first Wednesday to Wednesday round-up journal entry. My amazing buddy Scott Cooper (seriously, look him up – man’s a behemoth in the digital world) inspired me to do this from a round of similar posts previously on a blog of his so I’m giving it a go too.

The Modern Girl and One Take Kate in Yellow NZ work mode at the Christmas Party 2018 | onetakekate.com
The Modern Girl and One Take Kate in Yellow NZ work mode at the Christmas Party 2018. Look at my expression, this is how stoked I am to work with my bestie Boo Boo every day!

Well we’ll kick it off with work I guess as that’s been the focus this week. I’m so excited about what I get to do in my role at Yellow NZ every day; writing and creating click-worthy copy for web and social media posts – it’s awesome and totally my jams. Getting to write and create all day every day for a secure, innovative company when I’ve been doing the freelance, contract and part time work life for 8 years? Are you kidding me?! I love it! I’ve been working on some cool projects too and they really make me feel proud to be at the level I’m at now, really fulfilled and rewarding stuff. Funny thing from this week was that I was all set to head into the office for one of my in-office days on Friday (I work remotely predominantly) and due to train issues and bus over-loading most of the team were allowed to work from home! I was already on my way in and just in time turned around and headed back home to work…gotta love that flexibility, it’s truly the future of work. Plus, I also logged my now usual Sunday morning shift for Socialites too (I’ve worked there 3 years already and used to work a big chuck on the weekend), I love community management so it’s fun to have a spot in my week to indulge in a bit of that!

Sneaky pic of some of the Skycity Breakers at the Sunday Game Signing. Left to Right: Amani Moore, Shawn Long, Patrick Richard and Tai Wesley | onetakekate.com
Sneaky pic of some of the Skycity Breakers at the Sunday Game Signing. Left to Right: Amani Moore, Shawn Long, Patrick Richard and Tai Wesley | onetakekate.com

If there’s one thing that’s non-stop in the Taylor household, it’s Basketball. We have NBA League pass running 24/7 and watch all the games and love magazine shows like The Starters and 10 Before Tip. So, we’ve been doing our usual thing I guess but things are heating up in the NBA as we head towards All Star Weekend and lots of trades happening now. Of course, I love my SkyCity Breakers too and have a great passion for NBL (and NZNBL); so, you know I was going to head along to one of the Breakers last remaining home games of the regular season on Sunday at Spark. As usual the atmosphere was awesome, there’s nothing like a live Basketball game and if you’ve ever wanted to go to Spark Arena to see the Breakers but haven’t – just do it! It’s a fun, safe and great atmosphere for everyone and I can give you some tips on how to make your experience awesome, just hit me up! Breakers were successful against the Brisbane Bullets too so that always makes for a good time! As Leon-Basketball Yeti is NBL Media Accredited he went along to the after-game press conference to pick up some soundbites (if you follow me on IG then you’ll see on my stories sometimes I get to go into the conferences too!); and I headed down to the Spark Arena foyer to line up to get a free poster for the ENTIRE SkyCity Breakers to sign! The Breakers only do this once, maybe twice a season, so it was super cool to be there for that, meet the guys, tell them that I was Mrs. Yeti and generally vibe out with other Breakers fans. Now I’m stoked I have a signed poster to share with Leon to commemorate this cool spot in his Basketball Yeti timeline.

Date Night Ready at Gao Asian Fusion | onetakekate.com
Date Night Ready at Gao Asian Fusion | onetakekate.com

This week I got my nom on in a variety of places! I dunno if I’d maybe say I’m a foodie but I know I love to cook and I’m good at it. I love to try new things and new places to eat, so Leon and I were excited to try out Gao Asian Fusion for a Friday Date Night Dinner for something a bit special. We’ve been working hard and it was so nice to find ourselves across a table from each other in a romantic and cool setting, getting to talk about how we’re both doing and our goals and plans for the next little while. Let me tell you too, the food at Gao is OUT OF THIS WORLD! Every dish was so delicious, and, in every bite, you can taste and feel all the love and skill from the chefs out back in the kitchen. I’ll be doing a full review post for you soon cause you’ve got to try out Gao! Saturday was a nice chill day before Leon kicked into work at Socialites in the afternoon, so we had a Fish & Chips lunch on Browns Bay Beach, which was scorch! We had to shift were we were sitting initially because there wasn’t quite enough shade but aw man, these are the parts of Summer I love! At the Breakers game I always like to get some Hot Chips cause, well if you know me at all you know that Hot Chips are my Kryptonite…without a doubt, gotta have em. But for Sunday’s game I thought “yeah, let’s try out those Macaroni Bites with Chips”. Babb-bow! This poor vegetarian got a mouthful of ham in her Macaroni Bite let me tell ya haha. So, my disappointment was Leon’s joy there! Before heading into our Monday night movie this week, we dipped into Carl’s Jr cause no lunch means a Yeti will be hungry during the 6:30pm movie so we needed to take preventative measures. I’d already ahh HAD Wendy’s with my Bestie at work that day so I was fine haha but I did spot that CJ’s have a new Vegetarian Burger which I’m super keen to try out cause to be honest Carl’s Jr is just not somewhere I go a lot at all so this is a good hook in for me, I’ll let you know when I try it!

The Offending Macaroni Bites that had Ham in them! No bueno Spark Arena haha | onetakekate.com
The Offending Macaroni Bites that had Ham in them! No bueno Spark Arena haha | onetakekate.com

The movie screening year is kicking off for me and One Take Kate now that everyone’s back to their work desks for the year. On Saturday morning (seriously the best time to catch up on movies you’ve missed…and that air con at the moment? Yes, please!); Leon and I headed along to check out Bumblebee and man am I glad I waited. Seeing it’s about a Girl and her very special friend and I’ve just lost my gorgeous girl Nahlies I knew it’d be a bit raw for me. Bumblebee so is GREAT! As an 80s kid who was obsessed with the show and with my holographic Transformers ruler that I took with me everywhere for a bit; I can happily say this is hands down THE BEST Transformers movie created and it’s very true to the original animated series! Thanks so much to the dedicated team at Paramount Pictures NZ for sending me along the gift of an in-season double pass to check that out. Monday night’s screening was for upcoming Liam Neeson flick Cold Pursuit which is a lot of fun! It’s a great blend of Western tropes, a kind of true crime “who’s gunna get it” and a seriously blackest of black comedies; I really enjoyed Cold Pursuit and I’ll have a video and review up for you soon; thanks heaps to the folks at Studio Canal NZ for having me along to that and for reserving seats for me, that was a “I feel like I’ve made it moment.”

Bumblebee and One Take Kate hanging out | onetakekate.com
Bumblebee and One Take Kate hanging out | onetakekate.com

On the personal side I’ve been increasing my chill by doing the things I love. I’m determined that in 2019 I’m not going to over-think and over-worry about stuff. I’ve found that 2018 was filled with way too much of that, mostly due to worry about Nahlies’ health and in saying goodbye to her it’s provided lots of time for great reflection and planning. So, with that in mind, I’ve really been treating January as a “2019 Draft.” I’m a big believer in the Lunar New Year in February rather than our January date driven one. So, I’ve spent January taking it all in, being inspired by other people’s plans for 2019 and putting together what my New Lunar Year resolutions will be and I’ll share those with you soon. Two things that I AM carrying over for 2018 that I like though is my keyword: Consistency. I want that word to be the driver and focus of everything I do in 2019, in all areas of my life. Also, the age old “Eat the Frog”, it’s so helpful for assisting to “get over yourself” when you don’t quite want to complete a task or do a thing. Do the thing. Go on! Self-care this week; I was stressing about props for work and was thinking about them too much on Auckland Anniversary, as a previous freelancer it felt like I should be working, so to get that gone I made a nice comfy daybed in the shade at my place and read IT… perfect. In other Self Care news, if you follow along with what I get up to on IG stories you might have picked up that I’ve joined my local leisure centre and I’m loving it! So, Leon and I have been getting in there for Aquadeep and regular workouts and love it, plus they have a spa and a sauna so YAS! Plus, I’ve reignited my regular Chiropractor visits with my brother Dr. Joel Taylor at Bays Chiropractic, this helps me get my posture sorted, connect with my breath and release tension held in my muscles and spine, it’s awesome.

View from Dr. Joel Taylor's office - my Chiropractor Bro at Bays Chiropractic | onetakekate.com
View from Dr. Joel Taylor’s office – my Chiropractor Bro at Bays Chiropractic | onetakekate.com

OK OTK Fam, that was a big one for the first Journal entry, but I’ll be back next week with more tales of what I’ve been up to. In the meantime, share with me what you’ve got going on in your life. Anything I mention spark something you wanna ask me or chat about? Hit me up in the comments and have an awesome week!

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