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Ahh Breaking Bad…it’s basically a television institution now; becoming one of the most popular TV shows in the past ten years, creating household names out of the show’s stars, spurring countless dim-witted crimes claiming their inspiration from the drama and cleaning the floor with all other contenders time again at the Golden Globes, Emmys and AFI Awards in it’s run from 2008-2013. All of Breaking Bad’s bleak lows, poignant laughs and down right badass moments you know and love and talked about with your fellow fans in person and on social media, all of that.
I’ve never watched an episode. Nope. Not episode one of Breaking Bad has passed these eyeballs and while I’m not entirely sure why I think there’s a few reasons:
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1. Breaking Bad Vs LOST
My obsession show was and truth be known might always be LOST; and when hot new show Breaking Bad burst onto the scene in 2008 I was already deep within the inner workings of the island and the Dharma Initiative with LOST, running from 2004-2010. By the time LOST had wrapped up Breaking Bad was well on it’s way to claiming it’s deserved cult TV status, but I felt like I was between a rock (hehe geddit…) and a hard place – was I ready to love another show so soon after LOST had finished, and in some ways…broken my heart?! Also, a little thing called Uni stood in the way of myself and some serious DVD binge watching. Plus there were events, characters and plot lines that had well advanced without me! Not that my friends hadn’t done a terrible job of not talking about it in front of me…
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2. Silence at the water cooler…
Shows like Breaking Bad and their ability to capture society and therefore all walks of life watching it, means you literally can’t get away from it. Ever. When a show is as beloved as the tales of Walter White and Jesse Pinkman is; you’re going to find it hard to stay under your spoiler-free rock for long and continue to take your sweet time to watch the TV show in question. I managed to have friends be polite about it for a time, until the ‘spoiler-window’ passed, then there was no stopping it, when your Mum, people from work or randoms on the street are having nod-nod wink-wink jokes about a cult show about cooking meth, you know you’ve missed a major bus on the way to cool town. As the swell of Breaking Bad crashed into one of the most talked about and certainly most tweeted about (1.24 million tweets…not too shabby) series finales, I waited. Unable to catch up on Breaking Bad in time and know WHAT THE HECK is going on, I opted for the wait it out and see it in my own time option. This feels like a win/win as being a film and TV geek (/snob) such as I am, I’m able to draw my own conclusions from Breaking Bad and decide how I feel about it all without the zeitgeist of millions forcing me to be into it. Yay!
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3. I don’t have to learn how to cook meth to afford buying all of Breaking Bad on Blu-Ray!
Yay! Another reason why it’s taken me so long to decide to get started on Breaking Bad is because; being an aforementioned Uni student and then newly employed and proud bearer of a student loan, I wasn’t in a position to just shell out for all the seasons of Breaking Bad I’d missed on TV. I wasn’t ready to get technological with my TV binge hook ups, borrowing box sets from friends always feels like an imposition and I don’t illegally download – ever. I wanted a place where I could access all of that sweet Breaking Bad action (all five seasons!) with no fuss, no muss…enter Lightbox! It’s been ah-mazing to explore all of the shows on there…including LOADS more I need to catch up on. Sons of Anarchy, American Horror Story, House of Cards, Homeland…yeah I’m looking at all of you.
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4. Yay! Pure uninterrupted Breaking Bad!!
All TV shows are naturally created to include commercial breaks, this is part of the creation of the TV episodic format…but who likes ads in their TV shows? Nobody, that’s who! A privilege of being late to the Breaking Bad Party is that I get to binge out (more on that in a moment) on all of it without any ads separating my viewing and taking me out of the moment of this incredible show. Best part and what I love on Lightbox is that as soon as I’ve finished watching an episode it automatically rests on the next ep in that season to go to and I’ve had no streaming or buffering problems, it’s in HD quality, as mentioned there’s zero ads and all seasons and episodes ready to go. It’s a lot to ask for this kind of viewing preference I realize, but I’m stoked that I’ve given Lightbox a go on their 30 Day trial and I’ll definitely be staying connected on their tiny monthly subscription payment moving forward. I don’t think my lovely Husbandito would let us get rid of it anyway…he’s too in love with 24hr access to Seinfeld or Parks and Recreation.
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5. Time is of the essence…
So you’ve read that Uni was a TV binge stumbling block for me (I’m a total ‘Hermione’ on the grades and achievement buzz…); plus with that comes the move into full time work and the fun of blogging on the side: so I’ve not really found a moment to grab some snacks, go on lock down and watch a truckload (or should that be a trailerhome-load!) of quality drama like Breaking Bad! Now that everything feels like it’s settling down, I’m ready to pig out on all the shows I’ve had to politely smile and nod about – not having any idea what people are getting so pumped on. I can see I’ll be getting stuck into a stack of the comedy shows on there too (like Louie, Black Books, Community and heaps more!). I’m totally hooked on Lightbox and I can’t wait for some serious Labour Weekend Lightbox binge action!
Have you had a go at Lightbox and their 30 day free trial yet? If you’re a Lightbox convert – what are you planning to watch stacks of over Labour Weekend?
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