By Kate “One Take Kate” Taylor
Movie marathons and snacks. They just go together, it’s a no brainer. If you’re a bit of a movie nerd like I am though you’ll want to theme out your snacks to go along with the films you’re going to watch. Thinking about optimum munching qualities; especially if you’re going all out and having your movie marathon with the lights down, you require a snack that’s going to be easy to nibble on, not cause a mess, but also be TOTALLY delicious. All those check boxes will need a tick in them in order to achieve ultimate snackdom. Don’t be afraid, One Take Kate is here to help you achieve some delicious moments and snacking greatness. Plus, seeing as you’ll be making your movie marathon a bit of an occasion, you’re entitled to an indulgent treat…or four.

Scrumptious Red Velvet and Salted Caramel Tim Tam – I may have eaten all the Coconut Cream and Choc Raspberry ones before I remembered I needed to take a picture of them. Maybe. Did.

Enter the new Tim Tam range created by Adriano Zumbo, which unleashes two brand new flavours and brings back two fan favourites for a sequel! Look, I’m not going to play this down at all; when Tim Tam personally sent me the entire range to munch on and review I was beyond stoked! So I thought, with great snacks comes great responsibility (Spiderman reference…yus!); and decided that I would pair each flavour with 5 films that will go to another level when matched up with these flavour profiles. Check `em out.

CHEAT SHEET: Adriano Zumbo the ‘Sweet Assassin’ is an Australian Patissier and Chef who has appeared in his own culinary TV show, Zumbo and also on Masterchef Australia numerous times!

“Could I just grab a towel for the Pool? Oh! Sorry you’re talking…”. Coconut Cream Tim Tam interrupts on his Beach Getaway. Image via IMDB and Mr Leon Taylor.

Beach Getaway
These beach getaway films with a twist would be perfectly matched with the ah-mazing Coconut Cream Tim Tam that Zumbo has created. It’s a super dark, rich chocolately biscuit with the most divine Coconut cream smooshed between it that has a balanced, natural Coconutty flavour.

1.Cast Away (2000)
Ok sooo not an idyllic holiday break beach getaway but this adventure drama flick starring
Tom Hanks (The Man!) will be all the more intense munching on a Coconutty treat. WILSON!

2.Forgetting Sarah Marshall (2008)
If you need an injection of Hawaiian relaxation then Forgetting Sarah Marshall is the movie for you. The post break-up resort scenery life looks great and its crammed full of eye candy talent: Jason Segel, Paul Rudd, Mila Kunis, Jonah Hill, Kristen Bell, Russell Brand, Bill Hader…I could go on.

3. 50 First Dates (2004)
The Barrymore and Sandler combo is as much of a winner as beachy movies and the Coconut Dream flavour I reckon. Sweet and smooth; and when this lovely rom-com gets a bit emotional, you’ll have your snacks there to get stuck into so no-one can tell you’re getting teary.

4.The Descendants (2011)
Clooney, indulgent treat, tropical location, delicious moments – need I say more? This touching comedy drama also stars Shailene Woodley in her breakthrough performance and is set in Hawaii also – you’ll love to snuggle up and watch this beachy beauty.

5.The Beach (2000)
For amazing tropical vistas to accompany the Coconut Dream flavour perfectly – The Beach starring Leonardo DiCaprio is just the right blend of adventure, tense drama and romance to keep you nibbling away. Watch out for a particularly crazy role by Tilda Swinton.

Salted Caramel Tim Tam saw Matthew McConaughey clear the bench for morning tea…and then went to hide. Image via IMDB and; Mr Leon Taylor

Instant Classics
I feel these films; much like the incredibly delicious Salted Caramel flavoured Tim Tam, have become instant classics. Taking something traditional and well-loved and putting a modern spin on it; the Salted Caramel Tim Tam has a sensational caramel biscuit with this rich chewy caramel in between. So damn moreish; just like these innovative and lasting pieces of cinema.

1. The Theory of Everything (2014)
This amazing biopic about the lives of Jane and Stephen Hawking; was immediately marked out for Oscar glory and it’s deservedly so, their performances are solid and leaves you wanting more, even if it’s a bit sad when it’s all over. Just like a certain Caramel Tim Tam treat I munched on! Research of course you understand.

2. Interstellar (2014)
Ground-breaking, moving and astounding; director Christopher Nolan has outdone himself with this space epic starring Matthew McConaughey in his most shirt-wearing role yet. Anne Hathaway is fierce and Jessica Chastain delivers my favourite role of hers to date. Great stuff…get two packs of Salted Caramel Tim Tam for this, it’s a bit of a long film, but worth it.

3. Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
Wooowee do I love this film, as soon as I’d seen it I knew I was going to love it forever, pretty much how I felt when I munched on the Salted Caramel flavour. Everything in GOTG is just perfect, I was grinning ear to ear at how James Gunn refreshed the comic book movie genre with this effort. Plus…Chris Pratt! Oh and lots of other amazing talent like Vin Diesel, Zoe Saldana, Dave Bautista, Bradley Cooper and heeeaps of cameos.

4. Inception (2010)
Look, I’m aware there are two Christopher Nolan films in here ok…so I thought I’d point it out before you did. When Inception was released however the buzz of this high concept thriller had everyone talking – just like this Salted Caramel Tim Tam will. Absolutely engrossing… and a perfect match; especially cause they’re easy to eat while you’re trying to think about just how many layers down the characters are?!

5. The Notebook (2004)
For the complete experience: scented candle, snuggly blankie, box of tissues and a pack of Salted Caramel Tim Tam. The Notebook is a wonderful example of a deeply romantic film done right. You’ve got to see it at least once because, for all the criticism that gets piled on it; it’s a beautifully made modern love story. So good – plus Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams are electric.

All in! The Stand By Me boys admire their Choc Raspberry Tim Tam before they get back to adventuring! Image via IMDB and Mr Leon Taylor.

80s Favourites
The Choc Raspberry Tim Tam flavour created by Adriano Zumbo was actually, pretty mind blowing. It’s a dark choc flavoured biccie with this wild pink coloured, scrumptious raspberry cream pressed between the biscuits. For some reason the Choc Raspberry Tim Tam flavour just screamed 80s good times, to me. So I’ve picked some of the greatest, kitschy flicks from the 1980s that maybe you should revisit.

1. The Breakfast Club (1985)
Oh my goodness, I thought that Judd Nelson invented the handsome, brooding bad boy when I saw this flick as a kid and I still do the ‘John Bender Fist Pump’ when I’m particularly pleased with myself…see the very last shot of this movie and you’ll know what I’m talking about. Such a classic…brat kids learn about the world through forced examination of kids from other cliques at their high school. Plus Molly Ringwald is bringing the Tim Tam Raspberry vibe with her beautiful red hair, raspberry coloured lip gloss and pink top.

2. Mannequin (1987)
I loved this movie so much as a kid! Kim Cattrall and Andrew McCarthy live pretty much every one’s dream…and an accurate statement of 80s ‘greed is good mentality’; when the two lovebirds create fun scenes in a deserted evening department store. Outrageously awesome, it always leaves me smiling, like the Choc Raspberry flavour certainly did too!

3. Stand by Me (1986)
It doesn’t matter when I see Stand By Me, I always completely enjoy it and love every moment of this simple coming of age story – it’s a film I think every kid of the age of 12 should see as there’s some touching and important moments to take away. Grab a kid, a pack of Choc Raspberry Tim Tam’s and teach `em some stuff. Plus there’s River Phoenix.

4. Little Shop of Horrors (1986)
This is the film that aided in my childhood interest in horror! It’s a romping musical, a love story, a mystery thriller and packed with exciting acting talent and cameos. It’s well worth adding to your 80s movie marathon…you’ll be surprised how many of the songs you remember. Time to sing along!

5. Back to the Future Trilogy (1985-1990)
I think Marty McFly would have used the DeLorean just to get to 2015 for a pack of Choc Raspberry Tim Tam, forget hoover boards! I’ve slammed the entire trilogy into this list as it’s not right to see 1 without closely following with 2…and if you’re doing 1 and 2 then it’d be rude not to do 3 as well. We’re about being complete with these things after all. Maybe mixing up your Choc Raspberry Tim Tam with a cuppa coffee to keep you buzzing and watching.

Ahh! Shaun no! That’s not what we mean by a Tim Tam Slam. Image via IMDB and Mr Leon Taylor

Horror Marathon
If there’s one thing that people most likely know about me; is that I’m a fan of horror films! Creepy thrillers, gory zombies, haunted houses and ghosties – I’m all about it. When I cracked into the pack of Red Velvet Tim Tam all I could think was…REDRUM REDRUM! So I figured what fun, delicious and not-too-full-on horror films would go well with a delicious and appropriately flavoured Tim Tam treat? Feast on the cakey red velvet biscuit and massacre the divine cream cheese frosting inspired cream. Mwah ha ha ha.

1. The Shining (1980)
This is a given match for the Red Velvet Tim Tam: REDRUM? A frightening red tide from an elevator? Endless snow that looks like delicious frosting…ok too far with that last comparison, but you get the idea. A classic flavour for a classic horror.

2. Carrie (70s or Remake) (1976 or 2013)
You could go with either of these versions of Carrie and be on theme with your Red Velvet Tim Tam. The colour red is a strong symbol in this film and asides to the obvious reasons you’ll see clothing, lipstick, cars, posters – all sorts of things that have a striking red reason behind it. Also in the 2013 remake, one of horror’s scariest Mothers is played by talented redheaded actress, Julianne Moore. Better red than dead, baby!

3. Jaws (1975)
If you don’t end up trashing around on the couch munching your Red Velvet Tim Tam – Great White Shark’ style and humming “Dum-Dum, Dum-Dum, Dum-dum dum-dum dum-dum dum-dum diddle dummmmm!” then you might be movie marathoning incorrectly. Or maybe this is just what I do.
I dunno, don’t judge.

4. The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975)
‘Let’s Do the Tim Tam ahaagain!’ Yes, let’s! Ooh it’s a wonderful, saucy little film Rocky Horror and with a fantastic cinematic history, created by one of our most beloved adopted Kiwi’s Richard O’Brien – this is a horror musical that will have you singing, dancing and getting a little hot under the collar. Don’t dream it, be it – and better yet see it as part of your Red Velvet Tim Tam marathon.

5. Shaun of The Dead (2004)
Last but not least in this Red Velvet round up is the clever and very funny Shaun of the Dead. Red plays a big part in telling a symbolic story in this film too; and most likely – after one bite of a
Red Velvet Tim Tam you’ll be craving them just as much as Shaun’s undead mates crave brains! Plus I thought Red Velvet Tim Tam and Shaun… go so well together due to one of its most quoted lines – “You’ve got some red on you”.

Any other films you would put in here instead? Which Tim Tam flavour do you want to munch down on? Let me know below or on the One Take Kate Facebook page.

Which flavour would you like to have a #timtammoment with?


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